Rick Sills

Hello My Name Is...

Rick Sills


Born in Jackson, Mississippi                                    

Bachelor of Music in Instrumental Church Music, 1993

Master of Music in Woodwind Performance, 1999

Middle School and High School Band Director at Crystal Springs Middle and High School, 2000-2005

Elementary Music Instructor, Dorsett Shoals Elementary, 2006-present 


I'm excited about the new school year and look forward to working with your child in music classes. All teachers at Dorsett Shoals have high expectations for their students.  Please understand I will make every effort to plan music lessons that are enjoyable and aimed at expanding students' knowledge.

As with any subject, music is a class and students will be expected to take responsibility for their own learning and behavior.  Because time for music instruction is limited, it is important that students understand and follow the expectations for behavior in the music room. There are five rules posted at the front of the room which will be reviewed regularly in class:

  1. Make Good Choices
  2. Use Kind Words
  3. Show Respect
  4. Involve Yourself
  5. Care for the Classroom

Students will receive daily grades based on these expectations. These grades indicate daily work habits and will be counted as one half of the total music grade. An additional 25% will come from skill checks, in which students will be asked to demonstrate musical skills that have been practiced in class. The final 25% will be taken from oral and/or written quizzes on musical concepts that have been studied in class.

Report cards at Dorsett Shoals include a music checklist indicating:

  • Participation-Students are expected to join in the class activities.

  • Behavior-Behaviors that interfere with learning, either of our child or others, are not appropriate

  • Concepts-Students should be able to demonstrate mastery of subject matter taught in class.